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A vibrant Torah center, a robust Beis Medrash, and a place where everyone is given the opportunity to continue growing.
Kollel's Objective for its Avreichim
To help prepare young men during the formative period of their lives for a life of community leadership and contribution. Specifically, to give them a good grasp of the tractates that are most relevant to daily Jewish life, to develop their knowledge in Hashkafa, and to teach and inspire them to give back to the community.
Meet our Avreichim
Berish Perlman
Associate Program Director
Warm and fuzzy with an obsession for seforim, if you walk into the Kollel, Berish won't forget you.
Zev Garsik
Rabbi, Mentor
With a warm smile and an easygoing disposition, R' Zev is easy to love.
Yaakov Chaim Olevitch
Studious and melodious, R' Yaakov Chaim is the longest serving member of the Kollel.
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